Sonerai 2 stretch

The Sonerai II-LS, Low-wing Stretch, and the Sonerai II-LTS, Low-wing Tri-gear Stretch, make up the rest of the Sonerai family of VW powered homebuilt aircraft. The front cockpit of the II- LS and II-LTS is 28" long and the rear cockpit measures 30" long. Both cockpits measure 23.250" in width. These two aircraft are different from the stock Sonerai II in length, wing loading and useful load. The Sonerai II-LS and II-LTS were designed to give the passenger additional room and more pilot headroom.

The Sonerai II Stretch series are low- wing, two place tandem aircraft, that are flown from the rear seat solo. Both the II-LS and II-LT are designed to be powered by a 2180cc (or larger) VW Aero engine conversion. This is because of the increased useful load.

All models of the Sonerai II Stretch use a minimum of different sizes of materials to reduce the cost, without hampering the integrity of the design. The wing is all aluminium and is composed of two panels that easily fold along side the fuselage enabling the aircraft to be towed tail first on its own gear. Stainless steel cherry rivets are used to skin the wing. The fuselage and tail surfaces are constructed of standard sizes of 4130 steel tubing that are fabric covered. All aluminium sheet used is 2024-T3 .025" except for the spars which are .040". The fibreglass cowling removes easily to allow complete access to the engine, magneto, tank and instruments. The landing gear is made from 2024-T351 5/8" aluminium and uses 5" wheels with 3/4" axles. A tapered tailspring rod is used to support the tailwheel (II-LS), while the II-LTS features a nose wheel. Both of these aircraft feature a 10 gallon main tank with an optional 6 gallon auxiliary tank which mounts in the turtle deck and baggage can be placed behind the seat.

The Sonerai II-LS and II-LTS are an excellent choice of VW powered homebuilts for the first time builder. Both aircraft offer room, comfort, economy and speed, and makes the II-LS and II-LTS a great "basic" cross country aircraft.

wing span
wing area
empty weight
useful load
gross weight
fuel capacity
20' 4"
5' 5"
18' 8"
540 lbs
610 lbs
1150 lbs
10 gals +
245 sm


takeoff distance, ground roll
rate of climb
max speed
cruise speed
landing distance, ground roll
service ceiling
900 ft
700 fpm
140 mph

limiting and recommended speeds

design manoeuvring speed (Va)
never exceed speed (Vne)
stall, power off (Vsl)
landing approach speed
115 mph
200 mph
50 mph
60 mph

All specifications are based on manufacturer's calculations